Take a look at this impressive new system installed for our Sonning-based client! It’s a powerful, efficient setup designed to deliver substantial long-term savings and environmental benefits.
Here’s all the information:
– Panels: 18x Jinko 435-watt solar panels
– Energy Output: 7,830 kWh/year
– Inverter: FoxESS 7kW hybrid
– Battery: FoxESS 11.52kWh
– Estimated Savings: This system will cut energy bills to just £185 a year, with projected lifetime savings of over £104,809. The client is set to achieve full payback in 7 years and 1 month.
– Environmental Impact: The system will avoid 1.9 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, equivalent to 56,600km in car journeys, 41 long-haul flights, or planting 364 trees over its lifetime.
This installation not only generates clean energy but also ensures significant financial savings, making it a win for both the client and the planet.